Shane Simpson
I first experienced hunting at an early age and was instantly hooked. My favorite part of hunting was after the hunt, sharing the stories with my dad and brothers, but there was always the "If you could've been there to see it!" phrase that I seemed to utter with each story. Camcorders of the time were very expensive but I felt video would help capture and share the hunt just as I had experienced it, so I began saving up my money and by the age of 14, I had enough to purchase my first camcorder. It was one of those bulky, shoulder mounted camcorders that required a full size VHS tape but it was state-of-the-art for it's day. I filmed everything that I could with that camera; dove hunts, deer hunts and of course, turkey hunts. Years later, YouTube would come along, which I would eventually use to help create my turkey hunting show, "Calling All Turkeys".
My YouTube channel has since grown to include additional content such as deer hunting (Public Land Whitetails), deer tracking with my coonhound (The Callie Chronicles) as well as hunting tips and tutorials. I hope by sharing my experiences that I can help my fellow hunters become better hunters or at the very least, provide some relatable entertainment.
I love recording my hunts and couldn't imagine a day that I would ever give it up. That's probably because I've carried a camera on almost every hunt during my time on this planet. It just feels like an element of the hunt is missing on the rare occasion that I head to the woods without a camcorder in tow.